Hey friends, family & loved ones!
As a leader in MOPS it is a privilege to serve God in this amazing ministry reaching women here locally. To attend convention I would need roughly $800 to cover costs of flight, hotel and convention (my host church, Westwood Baptist, is graciously contributing a significant amount to the cost as well!). While the expense is great, the skills and training gained are immeasurable!
To help pay for this trip, I would like to offer up Fresh baked cookies and/or pies to anyone who would like to "donate" to my trip. Basically you can "buy" 2 dozen fresh baked cookies or 1 pie once per month for 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months. I will deliver them when it's convenient for you. You may request your favorite cookies/pie or go for the Danielle Rivers special pick for that month. :) If you are out of my area, I would be happy to mail them to you priority (cookies only)!
If you are interested, please email me (link on right side) with your donation amount and how many months of cookies and/or pies you would like to receive. I can start them as early as June 20th --next week! I’ve also set up a donation “button” on my blog (top of the page on right) and can take orders there and you can go through PayPal if you’d prefer!
Chocolate Chip (with or without a smidge of oatmeal)
Ying-Yang Chip
Chocolate Chocolate Chip
Peanut Butter
Carmel No-Bake Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Pies: to keep my pantry from overflowing with ingredients to make every pie imaginable, please pick from the following (or ask for your favorite – I may be able to swing that!)
Lemonade Stand Pie (Pink or Yellow)
Peanut Butter Pie
Raspberry Shortcake Pie
Decadent Triple Layer Mud Pie
Apple Cider Cheesecake
Layered Pudding Pie (any flavor)
A full description of each of these deserts is available on my blog HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you very much for your support!! May God richly bless each and EVERY one of you~
The fine print: Donations need to be paid as soon as "order" is made to Danielle Rivers via check, cash or paypal. Due to time constraints (you know life with 2 kids, a job, a husband, and 5 animals) Danielle Rivers may need to postpone your order if there is a great amount of interest, but she will happily fulfill each and every desert order on a "first come, first served" basis. Danielle Rivers is not responsible for weight gain or inability to control one’s urge to eat all 2 dozen cookies or entire pie upon delivery. :)