I tried my hand at making homemade glitter tonight. The recipe can be found all over the internet, so I won't worry about linking them! I just mixed 1/4 to 1/3 cup of salt with a few drops of food coloring in a tupperwear container and shook it until they were mixed. Then I spread each color on some foil and placed on a baking sheet in a 375 degree oven and baked for 10 minutes (this is just to dry out the salt and the food coloring). So, with 5 minutes of mixing and shaking and 10 minutes of baking, I've got 6 colors of glitter ready to shake onto my princesses' art work!
Another thought I had - maybe this could be used to teach children how much salt to put on their food since they can see it? Or maybe for a party? Hmm...
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Homemade Laundry Soap
So, I decided to make my own laundry soap. Yep. Homemade laundry soap. I got the idea from this blog, so I'll just briefly share the recipe and my pictures. According to the blog, it works just fine in cold water (which I use a lot) and apparently works in a High Efficiency washer (which I do not have). I have yet to try it, but when I do, I will post an update! I can't wait to see how it works!
1 4lb 12oz box Borax (2.15 kg or 76 oz) found in the detergent aisle
The soap looks just like cheese! This blinding picture is everything together...very white!
All done! The whole process took 15 minutes (this blog is taking longer...go figure!) and was very easy to do! I fit what I could in the cookie jar (which I will decorate later) and the rest in a ziplock baggie for storage. Going to use 1 scoop per load (the scoop was fairly big...supposed to be around 2 tablespoons per load) - this recipe should last me about 6 months according to the blog (hers lasted 9 months, but I have a feeling I'll be doing more laundry than she does!).
Laundry soap for less than $20 that lasts for 6-9 months...YES PLEASE!!!!
***UPDATE: I've been using this soap for a week and here are my thoughts - there has been NO RESIDUE on my clothes and the soap has dissolved just fine in my cold water (which, actually, has been a big complaint of mine with store-bought powder soap). I just washed a load which contained clothes that my littlest daughter was wearing when we had an explosive diaper. Sad to say, I did not wash it right away, but I thought it would be a good test of this soap to see how it got the dried on poo off...and it DID!!! Not a spot, not a smell!
As for the scent of this soap - it just smells clean. There is no "Caribbean Breeze" or "Spring Mist" scent, but neither do the clothes still smell dirty. They just smell clean. And after they're dried, they smell like the dryer sheet I put in there! All in all, no complaints or concerns yet!***
***UPDATE 3/25/12: I'm nearly out of this laundry soap. I'm hoping to squeeze one more week out of it...This means I went through my soap in 3 1/2 months (bummer, not the 6-9 months!). However, I need to keep in mind that there are 3 adults and 2 children here - both kids have accidents in their bed at least once if not twice a week - this means more laundry in washing bedding several times (including blankets). So, I'll try this soap again. It was easy to make and gets the laundry clean!****
1 4lb 12oz box Borax (2.15 kg or 76 oz) found in the detergent aisle
1 4lb box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
(1.81 kg) found in the cooking aisle
1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 55oz (3 lb 7 oz) found in the detergent aisle
3 bars of Fels-naptha soap, found in the detergent aisle
2 small containers of OxyClean or store brand OxyClean (try to get about 3.5 lbs total (1.58 kg)) found in the detergent aisle (this is apparently optional, but I’m a big fan of OxyClean…)
I found all of this at WinCo Foods. My total for these items was around $16. I bought a cookie jar at WalMart for $5 and I used the scoop that came with my tub of generic OxyClean.
1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda 55oz (3 lb 7 oz) found in the detergent aisle
3 bars of Fels-naptha soap, found in the detergent aisle
2 small containers of OxyClean or store brand OxyClean (try to get about 3.5 lbs total (1.58 kg)) found in the detergent aisle (this is apparently optional, but I’m a big fan of OxyClean…)
I found all of this at WinCo Foods. My total for these items was around $16. I bought a cookie jar at WalMart for $5 and I used the scoop that came with my tub of generic OxyClean.
Although the recipe calls for 2 small containers of
OxyClean, I opted for a large tub of the generic brand. It was the same price as 2 tubs of Oxy and I
figured it would all get used eventually!
To figure out how much of this 6 lb. tub I actually needed for this
recipe, I browsed through that blog’s comments and found that I needed 32oz. (2
lb.) of OxyClean. Since my tub was 6lbs,
that meant I needed 1/3 of the tub – so I measured it all out and found I had
12 cups….1/3 of that is 4 cups and Ta-Da, thank you high school math! :P
So I mixed in all of the ingredients and my 4 cups of OxyClean and
grated my Fels-naptha soap with my handheld grater (I don’t have a food
processor, but apparently you can use that too.
The soap grated very easily – probably easier than cheddar!).
The soap looks just like cheese! This blinding picture is everything together...very white!
All done! The whole process took 15 minutes (this blog is taking longer...go figure!) and was very easy to do! I fit what I could in the cookie jar (which I will decorate later) and the rest in a ziplock baggie for storage. Going to use 1 scoop per load (the scoop was fairly big...supposed to be around 2 tablespoons per load) - this recipe should last me about 6 months according to the blog (hers lasted 9 months, but I have a feeling I'll be doing more laundry than she does!).
Laundry soap for less than $20 that lasts for 6-9 months...YES PLEASE!!!!
***UPDATE: I've been using this soap for a week and here are my thoughts - there has been NO RESIDUE on my clothes and the soap has dissolved just fine in my cold water (which, actually, has been a big complaint of mine with store-bought powder soap). I just washed a load which contained clothes that my littlest daughter was wearing when we had an explosive diaper. Sad to say, I did not wash it right away, but I thought it would be a good test of this soap to see how it got the dried on poo off...and it DID!!! Not a spot, not a smell!
As for the scent of this soap - it just smells clean. There is no "Caribbean Breeze" or "Spring Mist" scent, but neither do the clothes still smell dirty. They just smell clean. And after they're dried, they smell like the dryer sheet I put in there! All in all, no complaints or concerns yet!***
***UPDATE 3/25/12: I'm nearly out of this laundry soap. I'm hoping to squeeze one more week out of it...This means I went through my soap in 3 1/2 months (bummer, not the 6-9 months!). However, I need to keep in mind that there are 3 adults and 2 children here - both kids have accidents in their bed at least once if not twice a week - this means more laundry in washing bedding several times (including blankets). So, I'll try this soap again. It was easy to make and gets the laundry clean!****
Monday, November 28, 2011
Christmas Traditions
This tradition has been in my family since I got married. Most people are familiar with the chains that are created when you loop strips of paper together and many may have used that as an advent countdown to Christmas, but I took that idea and added my own flair. During Thanksgiving weekend, my family writes what they are thankful for on 24 strips of paper (red and green, usually), and then we create the chain and finish with a 25th strip that says "Jesus" on it. (By the way, this was actually harder when it was just my husband and I - 12 things each to be thankful for was actually kind of difficult!!! :-} However, this year we have my sister living with us so each of us only had to think of 5 things (the baby only did 4 and the Jesus one was her 5th!))
We hang the garland and each day in December we tear off a chain and reflect on what that person said they were thankful for. We try to keep the words secret so that it's a surprise (and sometimes we get duplicates!), and we always finish with the Jesus chain as our 25th one to tear off, since that is the real reason for Christmas!!!
This is such a great way to start each day and not get carried away in the "bustle" of the season! What are your traditions and why do you do them?
We hang the garland and each day in December we tear off a chain and reflect on what that person said they were thankful for. We try to keep the words secret so that it's a surprise (and sometimes we get duplicates!), and we always finish with the Jesus chain as our 25th one to tear off, since that is the real reason for Christmas!!!
This is such a great way to start each day and not get carried away in the "bustle" of the season! What are your traditions and why do you do them?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thread Letters
So I got this idea from another blog and couldn't wait to try it in my bonus room upstairs (which is an eclectic combination of themes and colors - it's just FUN!). The hardest part was figuring out the font I wanted! I wanted to use something fun, but it still needed to be blocky...I chose Showcard Gothic.
This is my wall BEFORE:
Next, I printed out my word in the size I wanted it. Each letter is about 8 inches tall...smaller than my example from the other blog, but I wanted it smaller so that I wouldn't crowd the space I wanted it in!
After measuring each nail and marking it 1" below the head, I nailed the corners of each letter in and created a curve around the U and G (I used 50 nails). Then, I carefully removed the paper without popping out the nails.
Finally, I took some embroidery thread I had on hand and tied a knot on one nail before wrapping the thread making each letter. I went around 7 times before knotting the end again and cutting off the excess string.
My finished design!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Kitchen Decorations
So, I found this idea about covering your lightswitch covers with scrapbook paper and I took it one step further in my kitchen! I had stickers to go on the wall (coffee cups as my kitchen is coffee-themed) so I took a few extra stickers and put them on the lightswitch plate and then cut a hole in where the switch would go before screwing the plate back on. Very simple and very classy! It really popped! I plan on putting scrapbook paper on some of the other plates in the other rooms too...
Here are the plates covered in the coffee cup stickers.
The stickers up and around the kitchen.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Update from Convention
Well, I did blog while I was at convention, but on the Mops one...so, I'm just going to copy and paste over here!
Mops Convention - Part 2
Well, I made it. This place is amazing! This resort covers 7 acres and is totally enclosed and so the high heat and humidity here in Nashville is kept at bay. And we even were upgraded to a room with a view!
I'm looking forward to the sessions tomorrow. First up is the 1st General Session (the theme being BOLD) and Lisa Harper will be speaking and Travis Cottrell will be the worship leader! Then a couple of Workshops: Engaging Your Audience and Hospitality Leadership Essentials. Finally, we'll have another General Session (LOVING) with Mandisa and comedian John Branyan.
I've already scoped out the Resource Fair and have entered in several drawings (note to self: next time you go to a convention, bring pre-printed labels with address/phone/email....less writing!). I've also scored some freebies! Sigh, I've done a lot of walking so far...so even though it's only 8:30 there in the Pacific Northwest, I'm going to do my best and get on Nashville's time zone - off to bed I go!
In His Arms,
(By the way, imaginary terrorists obviously did NOT hijack my plane today!)
I'm looking forward to the sessions tomorrow. First up is the 1st General Session (the theme being BOLD) and Lisa Harper will be speaking and Travis Cottrell will be the worship leader! Then a couple of Workshops: Engaging Your Audience and Hospitality Leadership Essentials. Finally, we'll have another General Session (LOVING) with Mandisa and comedian John Branyan.
I've already scoped out the Resource Fair and have entered in several drawings (note to self: next time you go to a convention, bring pre-printed labels with address/phone/email....less writing!). I've also scored some freebies! Sigh, I've done a lot of walking so far...so even though it's only 8:30 there in the Pacific Northwest, I'm going to do my best and get on Nashville's time zone - off to bed I go!
In His Arms,
(By the way, imaginary terrorists obviously did NOT hijack my plane today!)
Looking Forward - Convention, Part 3
As I travel home from the Convention, I am reflecting on my time and the lessons I have learned. I learned a lot about Mops International and the vision it has for their groups scattered throughout the country and the world, and I have also learned a lot about myself. God blessed me with a wonderful woman on this trip (one I had never met until we carpooled to the airport!) who shared life lessons and pointed out my own weaknesses and strengths. She, in particular, challenged me in my thinking and made me put words to specific questions. (The speakers and presenters did as well, but Sue specifically called me out!)
A lot of ideas were presented to me - some that I want to implement in my own life and in the Mops group that I help coordinate - and others that I want to discuss and explore further. I especially love our theme verse for this coming Mops year: "God does not want us to be shy with his gifts, but to be bold, loving, and sensible."
Dear Lord, don't let me be shy with the gifts you have given me. Let me be bold in my life - both as a mother and as a child of God. Let me love others, even the ones that are hard to love. Let me be sensible with my choices...the choices that are presented to me as a leader and the ones that are given to me in every day life as a mother, wife, and friend. How it must hurt You when we take the gifts You have given us and we dismiss them or point at someone else's gift and wish for that one instead! Lord, show me how to take a hold of my gifts in a bold, loving, and sensible way for Your glory and not shy away! You have given me these gifts to ME - and ONLY me! - for a reason! God, help me filter every choice I make through this mindset and keep my eyes focused on You.
I'm so looking forward to this coming year at Mops! I'm excited to start planning next week with an awesome group of women who love each other and love God and desire to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader... (from the Mops International vision).
Hold on to your hats, ladies! We're in for an awesome ride!
In His Arms,
A lot of ideas were presented to me - some that I want to implement in my own life and in the Mops group that I help coordinate - and others that I want to discuss and explore further. I especially love our theme verse for this coming Mops year: "God does not want us to be shy with his gifts, but to be bold, loving, and sensible."
Dear Lord, don't let me be shy with the gifts you have given me. Let me be bold in my life - both as a mother and as a child of God. Let me love others, even the ones that are hard to love. Let me be sensible with my choices...the choices that are presented to me as a leader and the ones that are given to me in every day life as a mother, wife, and friend. How it must hurt You when we take the gifts You have given us and we dismiss them or point at someone else's gift and wish for that one instead! Lord, show me how to take a hold of my gifts in a bold, loving, and sensible way for Your glory and not shy away! You have given me these gifts to ME - and ONLY me! - for a reason! God, help me filter every choice I make through this mindset and keep my eyes focused on You.
I'm so looking forward to this coming year at Mops! I'm excited to start planning next week with an awesome group of women who love each other and love God and desire to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader... (from the Mops International vision).
Hold on to your hats, ladies! We're in for an awesome ride!
In His Arms,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Butterflies in My Tummy
Well, I'm off on an adventure tomorrow! My first ever Mops International Convention. I've got butterflies... Lots. Of. Butterflies. Probably because I don't know what to expect - there's only so much a brochure and website can tell you! I'm also not a big fan of large groups (as in 100+) of women...and there's going to be a lot of women (hence the name Mothers of Preschoolers!). So I'm nervous.
I'm nervous about the flight. Since 9/11 I've always wondered if it's the last flight I'll take. (Although the flight itself isn't all that nerve-wracking for me). So I'm nervous about the imaginary terrorist(s) that will hijack my plane and ruin my family's life. ...the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:25-26
I'm nervous about forgetting something. I've heard that some people pack an extra empty bag with them when going to the Mops Convention because of all of the freebies and stuff there - they come back with a full bag of Mops gear that they use as favors/raffles for the coming year! In anticipation of this "loot", I have packed my large duffle bag and I am nervous about all of the empty space. I keep thinking that I must have forgotten something; clothes, blankets, diapers, wipes, pacifiers...oh....I'm only packing for one person - me! But I MUST be forgetting something!!!! Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Jeremiah 43:18
I'm nervous about meeting new people. I'm not a social butterfly - I would much prefer to be on the wall and observing people and their interactions! So to be going to a place I've never been, with a woman I've never met, to be at a convention I've never attended, is a little bit daunting! Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
So, the point is, I've got butterflies in my tummy. My insecurities are rearing their ugly heads, but fortunately I have the arms of God to rest in. Please pray for me this weekend as I stretch myself and learn about myself and Mops. May God use this for His Glory!
I'm nervous about the flight. Since 9/11 I've always wondered if it's the last flight I'll take. (Although the flight itself isn't all that nerve-wracking for me). So I'm nervous about the imaginary terrorist(s) that will hijack my plane and ruin my family's life. ...the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:25-26
I'm nervous about forgetting something. I've heard that some people pack an extra empty bag with them when going to the Mops Convention because of all of the freebies and stuff there - they come back with a full bag of Mops gear that they use as favors/raffles for the coming year! In anticipation of this "loot", I have packed my large duffle bag and I am nervous about all of the empty space. I keep thinking that I must have forgotten something; clothes, blankets, diapers, wipes, pacifiers...oh....I'm only packing for one person - me! But I MUST be forgetting something!!!! Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Jeremiah 43:18
I'm nervous about meeting new people. I'm not a social butterfly - I would much prefer to be on the wall and observing people and their interactions! So to be going to a place I've never been, with a woman I've never met, to be at a convention I've never attended, is a little bit daunting! Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
So, the point is, I've got butterflies in my tummy. My insecurities are rearing their ugly heads, but fortunately I have the arms of God to rest in. Please pray for me this weekend as I stretch myself and learn about myself and Mops. May God use this for His Glory!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Why Didn't I Think of This?!
I am refraining from updating my blog too often for the time being, as I want to keep the posts regarding the Cookies for Convention up at the top. However, this was such a good idea, I thought I better create a post just for it!
NOW AVAILABLE: Cookie Dough for your freezer!!! Most of the cookies that I list below are freeze-able...I am happy to hand make for you a couple dozen of your favorites shaped and ready for the oven straight from your freezer! Now, no more excuses when company comes over (surprise!) or when your children - or you - want that late night sweet snack!
NOW AVAILABLE: Cookie Dough for your freezer!!! Most of the cookies that I list below are freeze-able...I am happy to hand make for you a couple dozen of your favorites shaped and ready for the oven straight from your freezer! Now, no more excuses when company comes over (surprise!) or when your children - or you - want that late night sweet snack!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Cookies for Convention (and Pies!)
Hey friends, family & loved ones!
As a leader in MOPS it is a privilege to serve God in this amazing ministry reaching women here locally. To attend convention I would need roughly $800 to cover costs of flight, hotel and convention (my host church, Westwood Baptist, is graciously contributing a significant amount to the cost as well!). While the expense is great, the skills and training gained are immeasurable!
To help pay for this trip, I would like to offer up Fresh baked cookies and/or pies to anyone who would like to "donate" to my trip. Basically you can "buy" 2 dozen fresh baked cookies or 1 pie once per month for 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months. I will deliver them when it's convenient for you. You may request your favorite cookies/pie or go for the Danielle Rivers special pick for that month. :) If you are out of my area, I would be happy to mail them to you priority (cookies only)!
If you are interested, please email me (link on right side) with your donation amount and how many months of cookies and/or pies you would like to receive. I can start them as early as June 20th --next week! I’ve also set up a donation “button” on my blog (top of the page on right) and can take orders there and you can go through PayPal if you’d prefer!
Chocolate Chip (with or without a smidge of oatmeal)
Ying-Yang Chip
Chocolate Chocolate Chip
Peanut Butter
Carmel No-Bake Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Pies: to keep my pantry from overflowing with ingredients to make every pie imaginable, please pick from the following (or ask for your favorite – I may be able to swing that!)
Lemonade Stand Pie (Pink or Yellow)
Peanut Butter Pie
Raspberry Shortcake Pie
Decadent Triple Layer Mud Pie
Apple Cider Cheesecake
Layered Pudding Pie (any flavor)
A full description of each of these deserts is available on my blog HERE. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you very much for your support!! May God richly bless each and EVERY one of you~
The fine print: Donations need to be paid as soon as "order" is made to Danielle Rivers via check, cash or paypal. Due to time constraints (you know life with 2 kids, a job, a husband, and 5 animals) Danielle Rivers may need to postpone your order if there is a great amount of interest, but she will happily fulfill each and every desert order on a "first come, first served" basis. Danielle Rivers is not responsible for weight gain or inability to control one’s urge to eat all 2 dozen cookies or entire pie upon delivery. :)
Desserts by Danielle
Here is a list of my favorite the desserts along with their description. If you don't see something that tickles your fancy, let me know; I'm willing to try almost anything!
Snickerdoodle - another classic...no description needed!
Peanut Butter - this was my favorite growing up. Complete with the criss-cross imprint on the top (chunky or smooth)
Carmel No-Bake Cookies - Shane claims that these have some kind of drug laced in them...they're that addicting! Does contain peanut butter...
Sugar Cookies - thought I'd throw this one out there for people who like "boring" cookies...my philosophy is, the more stuff you stuff in a cookie, the better it is! But for those that like "plain vanilla cookies", this one's for you! Colored sprinkles optional!
Pies: to keep my pantry from overflowing with ingredients to make every pie imaginable, please pick from the following (or ask for your favorite – I may be able to swing that!)
Lemonade Stand Pie (Pink or Yellow) - frozen pie; great for the summer picnic! Contains ice cream and your choice of Lemonade or Pink Lemonade flavor!
Decadent Triple Layer Mud Pie - If you like chocolate, then this is the pie for you!
Layered Pudding Pie (not pictured) - 4 layers of yummy, creamy goodness. Nearly every flavor imaginable; butterscotch, pistachio, vanilla, chocolate, banana cream, & lemon. Crust, cream cheese mixture, pudding mixture, whipped topping. Yum!

Snickerdoodle - another classic...no description needed!
Peanut Butter - this was my favorite growing up. Complete with the criss-cross imprint on the top (chunky or smooth)
Carmel No-Bake Cookies - Shane claims that these have some kind of drug laced in them...they're that addicting! Does contain peanut butter...
Sugar Cookies - thought I'd throw this one out there for people who like "boring" cookies...my philosophy is, the more stuff you stuff in a cookie, the better it is! But for those that like "plain vanilla cookies", this one's for you! Colored sprinkles optional!
Pies: to keep my pantry from overflowing with ingredients to make every pie imaginable, please pick from the following (or ask for your favorite – I may be able to swing that!)
Peanut Butter Pie - this almost tastes like a peanut butter cup...very rich but tasty!
Apple Cider Cheesecake (not pictured) - Layered apple on bottom with spiced cider cream mixture on top. Tastes like an apple pie with a cup of hot cider!
Layered Pudding Pie (not pictured) - 4 layers of yummy, creamy goodness. Nearly every flavor imaginable; butterscotch, pistachio, vanilla, chocolate, banana cream, & lemon. Crust, cream cheese mixture, pudding mixture, whipped topping. Yum!
Chocolate Mint Grasshopper Pie - chocolate and mint...what could go wrong? Made with pistachio favor.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Cats Everywhere!
So, as I've written before, Em likes - no LOVES - cats. She lights up when she sees one...doesn't matter if it's real and in the room, or on the television or a stray on the street. That and birds. "Burr! Burr!!!" she yells, pointing out the window. It's so cute!!!
But, I digress... Originally, Em's room was a Noah's Ark theme since she seemed to love animals in general. (And, I wanted to decorate her room in Noah's Ark, doggone it!!!) But now seeing as how she's so into cats, I've been sketching cats in various cat-like poses and then painting them on her wall in her room. So far, I have done 4 sketches. Although I can't claim the drawings as my own (I have borrowed someone's sketches from online), I can take credit for enlarging the sketches and drawing them freehand before painting them. Here is what I've done so far:
But, I digress... Originally, Em's room was a Noah's Ark theme since she seemed to love animals in general. (And, I wanted to decorate her room in Noah's Ark, doggone it!!!) But now seeing as how she's so into cats, I've been sketching cats in various cat-like poses and then painting them on her wall in her room. So far, I have done 4 sketches. Although I can't claim the drawings as my own (I have borrowed someone's sketches from online), I can take credit for enlarging the sketches and drawing them freehand before painting them. Here is what I've done so far:
This one was my first. He's either trying not to fall, or he's trying to climb up and over the door! :D
Second cat was a bit more adventurous in my drawing career... The squirrel looks a little weird in the face, but oh well!
Although Number Three needs to go on a diet (but he was huge in the original drawing as well!!! It has to be the perspective...), he is my favorite so far as well as the easiest. He looks like he's going to pounce on some poor sucker coming through that door...or else on the pink kitty when he finally falls down...!
I couldn't get the right front leg just right...but for an almost 2-year old, who cares? When Em saw this tonight, she squealed and was giggling for 30 seconds. She kept pointing to this one and then the one hanging from the branch. I think those two are her favorites so far!
So now I have the two largest walls left to do. I'm thinking I'll do a series of 3 cats on the wall by her bed - one getting ready to pounce, one looking down at something, and the third in the midst of pouncing. And then on the other wall, I'll do 3-4 kittens - maybe one in the corner by the window trying to catch something (a bird, perhaps?) and the other ones just in "lazy" cat poses with some more birds flying above. This has been a fun project and pretty quick, too! Each cat has taken me 10-15 minutes to sketch and paint! Much simpler than a solid color on a wall!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Apples and Oranges
I always knew before becoming a mother that siblings would be different from each other - so I don't know why it surprises me to see these differences between Ash and Em manifesting themselves. There are so many things that make them similar - for example, they both love animals (although Em specifically lights up when she sees a cat!). But it's those differences that catch me off guard and make me enjoy life again through their eyes.
A few nights ago we went to a high school choir concert and I was watching what the girls were most interested in and how that points to their personalities. Ash was mesmerized by the action on stage - the costumes, the singing, the acting - whereas Em was enthralled with the technology. She kept pointing at the lights and at the curtain going across the stage and back, and from our seats we could see backstage and she was fascinated with what was happening back there. How does this apply to their personalities? Well, for anyone who knows Ash, they know that she is a "look at me" little girl and loves to perform for anyone (whether they want her to or not!). On the other hand, Em is quite content to sit in her sister's shadow and play quietly. She loves to figure out how batteries go into remotes but Ash is more interested in watching the show that's on TV!
So it looks like I'm shaping this family into a traveling drama crew...we've got the mom who's the boss (director), the dad and daughter who are the actors (and costume design), and tech and sound crew in one! Can't wait to see what the next performance will be - a drama? a comedy? a musical number? Stay tuned!
A few nights ago we went to a high school choir concert and I was watching what the girls were most interested in and how that points to their personalities. Ash was mesmerized by the action on stage - the costumes, the singing, the acting - whereas Em was enthralled with the technology. She kept pointing at the lights and at the curtain going across the stage and back, and from our seats we could see backstage and she was fascinated with what was happening back there. How does this apply to their personalities? Well, for anyone who knows Ash, they know that she is a "look at me" little girl and loves to perform for anyone (whether they want her to or not!). On the other hand, Em is quite content to sit in her sister's shadow and play quietly. She loves to figure out how batteries go into remotes but Ash is more interested in watching the show that's on TV!
So it looks like I'm shaping this family into a traveling drama crew...we've got the mom who's the boss (director), the dad and daughter who are the actors (and costume design), and tech and sound crew in one! Can't wait to see what the next performance will be - a drama? a comedy? a musical number? Stay tuned!
Dandylion Roots
~We should be permanent. I know that sometimes we can't choose where we live (as so many of my friends who are military can attest to) or how long we can stay, but I believe that wherever God puts us and in whatever community, we should invest into it. We should treat it as a permanent residence. Live in the moment and for the future; stretching your roots out deep and secure. And if God calls you to a new location, treat it as another permanent location to plant your roots (and you will be blessed - having so many places to call "home"!)~
~Multiply. No, I am not saying that we should have as many kids as our bodies can dish out - I'm saying that we should reach out to those around us...show them our ways...teach our children to spread the values and lessons that we are teaching to them to those in their circle of influence! Let's not be holing up in our homes - driving into our garages powered by an automatic door opener and never even seeing our neighbors. Would you even recognize them if you saw them in a Safeway? Let's spread our flowers all over our neighborhoods!~
So that's why I've named this blog "Dandylion Roots" (and yes, I know it's a misspelling of Dandelion - that's for another day!). This isn't a post intended to preach, but instead to share some of my insights as I dug up weeds and reveal my innermost, deepest thoughts. :P I promise that not all blog posts will be as "profound", but I hope to share with you my journey as I develop deep roots in our new home and in our new neighborhood and with our young family.
Please join me!
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